Things We Do

Scouts BSA has a lot to offer, but don’t let the number of merit badges scare you away. With exposure to a uniquely hands-on learning experience and the opportunity to earn merit badges reflecting each Scout’s budding interests, youth unlock a world of discovery around them and forge a path for the future. 


Troop meetings are held every Monday* from 7:00-8:15p.  Doors open at 6:30 pm to complete any business before the meeting begins promptly at 7:00 pm.  T

Committee meetings are on the 2nd Monday of the month and begin at 6:00 pm.  All parents are encouraged to attend, however, only registered leaders have voting privileges.  Scouts do not attend the committee meetings, with the exception of the SPL, and they last approximately 1-hour.

Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) meetings are held on the 1st Monday of the month and begin promptly at 6:00-6:45p.  Scouts who hold a leadership position in the troop are expected to attend so they can plan the agendas for upcoming troop meetings and outdoor activities.  The Senior Patrol Leader from the troop will update those attending the Committee Meeting of their upcoming plans.  

A Year at a Glance

These are some of our scout's favorite events and ones they want to participate in nearly every year. The scouts choose the activities they want to do and they make it happen with adult help. There are many different activities available and our annual program may differ from this list depending on the interests of our scouts.


Biking CampoutScouts will have the opportunity to bike the Katy Trail and overnight camp at Klondike Park.


Kayak / Canoe CampoutScouts will experience the beautiful Living Waters resort and kayak/ canoe and sleep in the famous "Eagles Nests".  


Boone Trails Fall Camporee – twice a year our troop attends a district camporee where we camp over the weekend and enjoy fellowship with scouts in our Boone Trails Council


Ryze Adventure Park a one-night campout where scouts will enjoy ropes courses and other adventures after a day of service after supporting the Scouting for Food Drive.


Beaumont Cabin Campoutembarking on the winter-months, the scouts will participate in outdoor activities during the day in/around Beaumont Scout Reservation, and sleep indoors in a cabin in the evening.


Winter Klondike Derby – an outdoor district event where scouts compete in a variety of challenges testing their Scout skills against other Troops


Saint Louis Zoo Lock-In - taking advantage of indoor programs that align with Scouting skills, the Troop will be participating in outdoor activities and staying on-property at the zoo for the evening.

MARCH 2025

New Scout Campout – a weekend campout where experienced scouts teach new scouts basic camping techniques while using the patrol method

APRIL 2025

Boone Trails Spring Camporeea BSA District event where merit badges, shooting sports, and other scout skills will be offered in a camporee setting for all Troops in the Boone Trails district.

MAY 2025

Meramec Campoutcave adventure, ziplining, and camping at Meramec State Park.

JUNE 2025

Summer Camp – a weeklong campout at a BSA scout reservation offering merit badges, a program designed specifically for scouts new to the program, as well as options for older scouts

NYLT – National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed weeklong program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops

JULY 2025

High Adventure Camp – a weeklong campout for older scouts at one of BSA's high adventure properties

NYLT – National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed weeklong program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops